



Dimitra Milan, 来自美国的16岁女孩,父母也是艺术家,Milan 从12岁接触绘画,现已成为一名特立独行的艺术家。以下是她的作品以及感触。

16-year-old-artist-dimitra-milan-13“I paint what I see as beautiful, noble, true, and worthy. I paint women because they are beautiful, and they represent how i feel. I paint animals as symbols and believe they represent a deeper meaning. I’m not always aware of their meaning. I just paint what I am attracted to the moment from an inner need to see what my imagination looks on the canvas. The painting tells me what it means, like there is a divine voice inside of it that tells me its mysteries. Sometimes what I paint is from what I have dreamt at night.  Like Vincent Van Gogh, “I dream my painting and I paint my dream.”















“I love the connection humans can have with animals. I also like to paint these two subjects together, because it automatically makes a story appear on the canvas. Each animal is different, and can be a symbol or meaning. Combined with a person, it creates a powerful story.”




“I think the places I see in my head and then paint are a combination of places I have been to and also what I dream at night. I have had many dreams where I am swimming underwater and able to breathe underwater. The sea in Greece is a great inspiration, with its crystal clear, perfectly calm water. I admire the beautiful, powerful ocean waves in Hawaii.”



“There’s a whole other world underwater, full of life and beauty. I always imagine that I’m flying when I swim. I feel like I have no weight. I love to capture these feelings on to the canvas and show another world of possibilities. And water can be a symbol of our life. It can be easy and clear. The deepness and wideness of the water shows how far we’ve come and where we’re going. The animals are parts of us, things and thoughts connected to our lives.”16-year-old-artist-dimitra-milan-7








Memories_Whisper_Dimitra-Milan_Watermarked_edf29f1e-cb93-43c9-b7a0-45ab0ed035ee_1024x1024“I hope that viewers feel invited to live inside the paintings and encounter a presence of beauty. I want them to feel that anything is possible, empowered, and free. I want them to get a sense of divine love and find a dreamy realm where they are inspired and uplifted”








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